WOW! Our Top 3 Engineering Design Process for Kids Videos in 2021

What is Engineering Design Process?

The term “engineering design process” refers to the series of steps engineers use used to achieve a solution. Each item and product has its own unique engineering design process, and that’s why you will find different examples and variations of the process in different industries. We see this when engineers design a website verse engineers who may be designing a prosthetic. The possibilities in design and engineering are endless. In this post, we have a few simple examples we can show you to help introduce you to the basics because the design engineering process is now an essential part of kids’ learning. It’s used across Maths, Science, Technology, Arts and the Social Sciences. Each of our Top 3 Videos of 2021 takes you through an exciting and educational engineering design process. Our goal, making sure you feel confident to put the FUN in the fundamentals of learning the design process!

Our Top 3 Engineering Design Process for Kids Videos of 2021 

Firstly, as Glenny D and I launch ourselves into 2022 we thought we’d share our Top 3 Engineering Design Process For Kids Videos in 2021! Meaning these videos were the most-watched by our audience in 2021. In our videos, we love playing around with concepts and the engineering design processes with kids, and they LOVE getting to learn and experiment! We also can’t get enough of hearing and seeing what YOU do with our videos, lessons and worksheets so please keep sharing them with us. In a year that saw many of us parents at home with our kids, we had time to engage in these practical processes with our kids too. So hearing from other parents also was an unexpected bonus! So now let’s get started with our third most watch video.

#3 – How to build your own Greenhouse 

Follow along as Glenny D takes you through the simple steps of designing and drawing your own 3 dimensional Greenhouse. First, we draw our design in 2D taking time to think about how we want the inside to look. 

How to Design a Greenhouse Tutorial

Secondly, we apply the splat tool to our design and draw a 3D version of our greenhouse. In just a few simple steps we show you how to make your greenhouse jump off the page! You can add the plants and flowers when you’re done! The main engineering design process steps at this stage focus on generating ideas and gaining feedback before students would move on to modelling their designs with suitable building materials. 

Following the engineering design process steps students would then be at the prototype stage. Our students loved using modelling clay, skewers and glad wrap to produce their 3D models with thrilling results.

For an extension activity, you make take a deeper dive into greenhouse design by imagining what your design would look like if you built it on the moon.

Yep, we even have videos for a lunar greenhouse. Your students will love the concept of designing for alien plants! 

#2 – Inclined plane in 3D isometric view. Engineering drawing for beginners.

Follow along as Glenny D shows you how to draw an inclined plane and talks through different concepts of force and friction and how these simple machines work. 

Learn how to draw variations on an inclined plane

Using the Splat you can draw two 3D cubes and then using a ruler you can draw a line connecting the cubes. You then use your eraser to rub out parts of the cube to create the inclined plane. Glenny D also explains the concepts of friction force, applied force and gravity. 

Inclined Ramps – Simple Machines Series

#1 – How to Draw a Lego Brick 

There is no doubt that a block of Lego is a certified iconic engineering feat. That’s why it was no surprise that it came in as our top video for 2021. We show you how to draw a 3D block of lego including a join, connections and other finer details. ,

First, we use the Splat to draw a cube, then connect a second cube to create a rectangular prism. Next, we halve the height of the prism to match the proportion of a LEGO brick. Lastly, we’ll draw a grid on top to help position the circles (ellipses) which become the 8 stud connectors.

What colour would you make your lego?
Check out our Youtube Channel for more Engineering Design Process Videos

Why is engineering design process good for kids to learn early in education? 

The engineering design process introduces kids to the idea of open-ended problem solving while showing them the value of learning from failure. This nurtures kids’ abilities to initiate innovative solutions to challenges. It also encourages kids to work together in a team, creating and evaluating concepts with their friends and family. This leads to new thought processes and discoveries in other areas of their lives and education. 

Stay tuned to our YouTube channel where we will share more videos to help you learn how to answer someone when they ask the question “What is the engineering design process?”

We hope you enjoyed our Top 3 Videos – Which one was your favourite? Do you have a request for an object or process for us to look at or make a video of? Leave a comment below or email us, and check out our links and resources below!